Travel Tilt is travel for the rest of us.

We want ideas that are actionable. We’re travelers who use technology to stretch our travel budgets and enhance our experience. We don’t have unlimited time and money to dedicate to travel experiences — but that doesn’t make us budget travelers. We want ideas and inspiration that we can act on and we’re willing to spend wisely on what matters to us.

We want bite-sized introductions to new places. We can’t possibly talk about the unseen wonders of Africa in a single blog post (and still have it be helpful), but we can definitely introduce you to our favorite cities and neighborhoods and give you real, practical recommendations for where to stay, where to eat, what to do, and how to get around. 

We want to bring an end to awful, generic travel content. Looking for helpful travel content online is a lot like trying to find decent Chinese food in New York City – there’s a lot of time, effort, and disappointment on the path to finding exactly what you crave. The internet is flooded with information — most of which isn’t really useful. Travel Tilt was created to holistically improve the way you think about spending time abroad: better ideas, better planning, better experiences.

Meet The Creators

Travel Tilt - Michelle & James
Lake Michigan, Christmas Day 2015

After booking a one-way flight to Paris, we decided to build Travel Tilt, a blog and brand for an emerging group of agile, tech-savvy travelers.

We did a lot of research and found a huge gap in the information that was available to travelers just like us. How could an entire group, an entire generation, of travelers be completely overlooked?”

The web’s biggest travel brands and magazines and most-read travel content seemed to cater to two distinct groups: budget travelers and luxury travelers — with little to no help for those falling somewhere in the middle.

Our couch-surfing and backpacking days are behind us but that doesn’t mean we can afford to stay at the Ritz either. We’re part of a huge number of millennials in their late twenties and early thirties who are mid-career and have to be creative with how we spend. It doesn’t mean our expectations aren’t high.

We hope to grow the Travel Tilt community to include other up-and-coming travel bloggers, writers, and photographers and become a trusted resource for travelers who want information that’s both practical and inspirational.

There are a ton of people just like us who are online trying to do the same thing we’re doing. The main difference is that we’re thinking of this project as bigger than ourselves. It’s not just about our experiences, it’s about speaking to and for a group of travelers that, until now, have been completely ignored.

You can follow Michelle and James’ behind-the-scenes journey on their personal blog.